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Math Self-Efficacy Scale - Revised (MSES-R)


The revised version of the Math Self-Efficacy Scale (MSES-R) has been developed to assess self-efficacy concerning mathematical abilities among college mathematics majors.


The MSES-R is commonly administered in mathematics college courses.

Typical Performance

We do not know of any published results with typical performance. As the LASSO platform collects more data, we will be able to offer better guidance on student performance.

Example question:

1. In a certain triangle, the shortest side is 6 inches. The longest side is twice as long as the shortest side, and the third side is 3.4 inches shorter than the longest side. What is the sum of the three sides in inches?

2. About how many times larger than 614,360 is 30,668,000?

3. There are three numbers. The second is twice the first and the first is one-third of the other number. Their sum is 48. Find the largest number.


The MSES-R has focused on college mathematics students. Relevant articles are listed below:

      Kranzler, J. H., & Pajares, F. (1997). An exploratory factor analysis of the mathematics self-efficacy scale—Revised (MSES-R). Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development, 29(4), 215-228.


We recommend using Google Scholar and the citations listed under validation to find articles of interest.

Example LASSO Report

Please follow this link to our example report for concept inventories.