Chemistry Self Concept Inventory (CSCI)
The Chemistry Self Concept Inventory (CSCI) asks students to self evaluate themselves on how they do with different academic subsets, including chemistry and math.
The CSCI is commonly administered in college general chemistry courses.
Typical Performance
We haven’t performed an analysis of the LASSO data for typical performance, but the literature shows scores ranging by student population and construct (see table below).

The CSCI was originally developed with college chemistry students. The instrument has also been examined with High School students. Relevant articles are listed below:
Bauer, C. F. (2005). Beyond” student attitudes”: Chemistry self-concept inventory for assessment of the affective component of student learning. Journal of Chemical Education, 82(12), 1864.
Nielsen, S. E., & Yezierski, E. (2015). Exploring the structure and function of the chemistry self-concept inventory with high school chemistry students. Journal of Chemical Education, 92(11), 1782-1789.
Smith, M. K., Wood, W. B., & Knight, J. K. (2008). The genetics concept assessment: a new concept inventory for gauging student understanding of genetics. CBE-life sciences Education, 7(4), 422-430.
We recommend using Google Scholar and the citations listed under validation to find articles of interest.
Example LASSO Report
Please follow this link to our example report for concept inventories.