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Chemistry Expectations Survey (CHEMX)


The CHEMX assesses students’ expectations about chemistry.

The CHEMX assess the following beliefs:

  1. effort

  2. concepts

  3. math link

  4. reality link

  5. outcome

  6. laboratory

  7. visualization


The CHEMX is commonly administered in college chemistry courses.

Typical Performance

Below are the performance results from the initial instrument development for five populations: general chemistry 1 (GC1), general chemistry 2 (GC2), organic chemistry 2 (OC2), after completing junior year chemistry, and faculty.



Study describing the validation process for the CHEMX:

  • Grove, N., & Bretz, S. L. (2007). CHEMX: An instrument to assess students’ cognitive expectations for learning chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 84(9), 1524.


We recommend using Google Scholar to find the most up-to-date studies that use the instrument.

Example LASSO Report

Please follow this link to our example report for concept inventories.